The Craft of the Mind’s Imagination

Shadows are not always what they seem to be. Here a man stands in the shadows. What conjured this? Some craft of mind. The darkness speaks, quietly, tall, and proud, but this was not my shadow but an expression of some mis-happening of placing of clothes. The colors changed as the strobe light from moment to moment. But I caught a glimpse into the night as yes it is alive.


The same dragon placed in my palm lies in the photos above as well as below. The difference being how I transmuted, from within my mind, the matter to altering colors. This exact moment was the full inspiration for the name of my business.. Dragon Tree Laboratories.

— Quote Source


Meant to be said. If you find yourself getting lost inside your thoughts, or not understanding what is being displayed here. Take this with some salt and thyme, take this as a shamanic adventure. Cause realizing this is real, could potentially blow out your mind.

If this troubles you in ways that you don’t appreciate take a chill pill and relax. As some may understand and some may not. This is the truth.


Who is that standing in my door way? WTF, this is creepy!!

Haha!! Thats just my clothes hanging on the closet door..

but how did they get there like that in that particular

formation of a man in my apartment.


This pastel does not have a name nor date… but is an image of a dream that I have. The view point of what this painting was created from is in outer space looking at what humans can tangibly see in our sky here on Mother Earth. The Sun’s body on the top part, the Moon on the lower left, and what truly inspired this painting is the image of another planet “tangible to human eyes in our sky”

So I have a dream, just a dream that if we as humans and including our Earth elevate our consciousness to a high enough state we might by chance be able to create another celestial body in our great big blue sky.

In regards to this pastel, this is what I am capable of creating, but so not easy to conjure. And sorry but this one is not for sale. My apologies.


The Quality of Water, Bending and Reflecting Light..

Find this in watering places, and our Earth certainly expresses it’s appreciation for beauty. The allure and composition of light and water works wonders for the imagination.