Walk in the Woods

I decided to go for a tai chi walk over at Pine Park, Hanover.  What I mean by tai chi is kinda like dancing to the silence of nature while on a walk.  Creating patterns with my hands.  Alone-some.  And my imagination like the vast clouds up high.

The sky is some what blue.  And a good overcast.  These days with the pandemic, being in the woods certainly helps to sooth the loneliness and the deep blue moods.

The leaves are falling… and peak foliage is right around the corner.  Being October 22nd, the weather is certainly cooling down.  There’s a slight mist in the ravine, where the song birds are still singing.

As I entered the ravine i shifted my vision to seeing a field of green and yellow leaves; and orange and brown forest floors.  Here I intentionally shifted my vision  to witness all the colors seeming to blend together.  Kind of like a pastel painting.  The green and yellow leaves on the forest floor, glowed like the embers of a coal based fire.  And then the foliage really becomes alive with vibrancy like the eye of a candle.

And yes I was fortunate enough to cross my flying thoughts with a barred owl.  We both had a moment of eye gazing.  It’s feathers a varying shade of speckled grey.  I stood there, watching the bird twist it’s neck, yet had to move on my walk.  I certainly recognized that the owl has more patience than i do.

Back to walking through the bending ravine, I noticed a couple wood peckers.  I tried to distinguish their feather patterns but as the sunshine was behind them, all I saw was a crested head and silhouette.

They didn’t make too much noise.

On my way back, i crossed paths with the same owl… who definitely has more patience than I, perched so still and all I wanted to do was sit in quiet and in an attempt to match the graceful poise of this owl.

So here in the woods I sat in zen…


The Gory Daze Halloween Parade